Friday 4 February 2011


My apologies bloggers for my lack of updating. Massive grr at me. Okay, so I AM back and I sure as hell will be updating more regularly from now on and working much harder on this here blog.
Was swamped with work recently but everything looks clear in the foreseeable future.

In fashion news:
Just found out about a great looking Aussie label called MINKPINK and obviously had to get something to road test it. Me likey my blush pink blouse very much. Nicely cropped and translucent-ish. May post a pic.
Anyway I don't know where on earth i've been not to have noticed this before - the Kardashians and Katy Perry have been all over it.
Unluckily for us Non-Australians they have a website that doesn't deliver to "the rest of the world" - blasphemy! But they are stocked in my own personal mecca, the great love of my life, Urban Outfitters. Snaps for Urban and all the other wonderful stockists that you can find over here...

Unfortunately they don't seem to have updated their website in a long while and haven't put up any new collections since Spring 2010. Honestly. Never mind though, just means we have to get off our bums and go shopping rather than lusting from a distance. Yay for our legs who get a nice workout. And arms. Depending on how much you buy. Sorry arms!

So there you have it. I stop blogging and fail to notice a hot little brand from the Land of Oz. You can chastise me if you like, my fault! At least I've seen the error of my ways, aye. Anyway, off you trot to look it up!
Little tip - you can use that link up there!!